CTF De1CTF - SSRF Me Writeup (2019) UPDATE: This writeup was hidden since 2019 due to the solution used. It was only recently where I released a CTF challenge using the same solution. Since it was solved, I decided that
CTF HTB x Uni CTF 2020 - Quals Write Up Gunship This challenge is an AST injection challenge. const path = require('path'); const express = require('express'); const handlebars = require('handlebars'); const { unflatten } = require('flat'); const router = express.Router(); router.get('/', (req,
CTF PeeHagePee PHP can be interesting. I recently came across an interesting web CTF challenge. It is unfortunate that I am not able to show the beautiful screen shots of the challenge. What I have
Blog Protostar Exploit Practice I NEED TO LEARN SOMETHING NEW!!!!! And yes, I started to learn some C and assembly.. Which ultimately lead to the learning of software security. This started my interest to explore bufferoverflow, format
Blog EY Hackathon (CTF Qualifiers) Writeup (2019) The qualifers was a team based pentesting CTF, and it requires the knowledge of Windows and Linux systems, enumeration, privilege escalation, and lateral movement. Targets: (Domain Controller for catalyst.
Blog noxCTF 2018 - MyFileUploader write up A file upload web challenge during the recent noxCTF 2018. The following was presented: Uploading a file without extensions would give us this: It appears that the code checks for extensions .png .jpg
CTF CrossCTF 2018 Writeups Crossctf 2018 Qualifier Writeups Credits to my teammates: https://github.com/tankeehock and https://github.com/tohzijie Web QruirkyScript 1 - 5 were do-able by referncing the truthy table from: https://developer.mozilla.
CTF Junior Defender Camp 2017 Blog Team member gits: https://github.com/Fuxingloh https://github.com/joeldavidw https://github.com/likzdev Finally, Junior Defender Camp 2017 has ended. it was a really great learning experience. Secure coding was covered
CTF Vulnhub - LazySysAdmin Writeup Well. What better way to spend christmas than solving a VulbHub machine? This VM is built for beginner/intermediate difficulty level. Link to LazySysAdmin on VulnHub. I spent about two days on this,